Frank Miller

I have always loved comic books, but it wasn't until maybe high school when I truly became hooked. It was after my buddy Keith gave me his copy of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns and suddenly I saw comic books in a whole new light. It was the first time I realized that a popular character could have many interpretations. Briefly the story is take places in the future and Bruce Wayne has long ago retired and giving up being a super hero. But the world has not become a nice place! Gangs control the streets, the government controls superheros, the streets are in decay and the city is crumbling. What's an old vigilant to do but fight.

Anyhow, most of the modern interpretations of Batman now are based on this version, including all the movies in recent years. But at the time it was a huge departure from the version I remember as a little kid. Mostly the Adam West version, of a silly, middle age looking guy, in goofy looking tights.

I guess it was the beginning of something that still interests me and that is taking somthing that people are alreay familiar with and looking at it in a whole new light.
