Hmm, I'm not sure how to explain this, but for some reason, ever since I can
remember I have always loved the fonts in comic books. I'm not just talking about the old school hand drawing dialog where
everything is uppercase, and overly bold, but also the larger then life splash page where the words jump out at you. To me those images are like candy. Big and colorful and bold that you can't help to ignore and beg for your attention.
Some of my favorites where the EC Comics. These books were a series of horror and suspense comics from the 50's and 60's. The EC line of comics was considered controversial because of it's graphic depictions of violence and not so subtle sexual undertones. But they set the standard at the time for cool artwork and edge storytelling help to define an entire generation of artists.
I also need to give a shout out to those famous Marvel splash pages
front he 60's and 70's. A splash page is usually the second page of the comic after the cover and was the introduction to the story. Much like a movie poster it listed the credits along with the main characters as a way to introduce the plot. This one above was credit by the man himself, Jack "The King" Kirby.
By the way if your interested in comic book lettering here are two really cool sites to check out.
Balloon Tales and
Comic Book Fonts.