Okay so I'm sure a lot of people remember the film "Mars Attacks". This was a big sci-fi/comedy that came out about 10 years ago. Somehow I don't think it was a big hit despite that fact that it had an all-star cast and was directed by Tim Burton.
I loved this film and I often think about it because of the 50's era style and tone of the movie. In some ways it's like another Tim Burton film "Ed Wood" because it's meant to be a tribute to bad movies, but it's also trying to be a big budget Hollywood action/sci-fi movie which is where it sort of fails.
Anyhow, my favorite part of the movie without question are the UFOS. As a kid flying sauces scared the heck out of me, but I still think they are cool. I hope if there is life on other planets that aliens fly down and visit us in UFOS that look like these.