Best Animated Film of 09

It's Monday morning and I'm still waking up, but I just wanted to post my thoughts on the Best Animated film of 08. Last night at the Oscars Wall-E won the Oscar. Now, I do think Wall-E was ground breaking and fun, and deserves all the high praise it's recieved. But the truth is I think Kung Fu Panda was the best animated file of the year. And let's be honest most of the animation community felt that was as well. It took home this years Annie award for that honor.

My reasons for this are pretty simple. Both were entertaining, and beautiful looking and had flawless animation. And Wall-E took a lot of chances which is something that I think is incredibly important. While Kung Fu Panda was not so much about breaking new ground, as it was about making a really classic and entertaining animated action film. And in the end I felt that it was the more entertaining movie.

Are the Oscars flawed? I don't really think that's a question anymore. To this day, I will never forget the moment, Dances With Wolves won an Oscar over Goodfellows. Really? Do you know anybody who still watches Dances With Wolves?


vernon said…
Hey Phil. Just wanted you to know someone's reading your blog ;).
showcasefloyd said…
Awesome. Thanks Vernon.