Summer creeping in

Just thought I'd do a quick update. It's mid April now, and summer is finally creeping in. I'm psyched, but of course that doesn't mean I'll have any extra time to go out and enjoy it. AM takes up a lot of my free time right now, and I keep hearing that it's going to be getting harder as we progress.

This is a big challenge for me right now. The amount of time that it's taking up, because, like a lot of people, I also work 40 hours a week. My job involves technology and requires a fair amount of problem solving, design and concentration. None of which are my strong point.

I suppose if I had my wish I would just want to be able to concentrate on AM full time, but of course I'm sure that's one of those double edge swords. I'd be doing just AM and thinking I need other projects to keep me stimulated. Who knows.

Anyhow, the summer is almost here and there is a bunch of great movies coming including, "Ice Age 3", "UP", "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs", "Where The Wild Things Are", "9" and "Planet 51".  Did I leave anything out? Oh yeah, "STAR TREK"!!!

Okay, that's enough rambling for today.
