Worst movie so far this summer ...

I was feeling pretty good about most of the films I was seeing this summer, until I went to see Terminator Salvation a few weeks ago. It's everything that I hate about big budget action movies. It's super loud, it is hyperactive and it is incredibly dumb.

I can sort of deal with the first two, but having a story about humans fighting for survival and being the dumbest humans ever another thing. I'm always willing to suspend my disbelief when I go to see almost any movie, but when the characters are making decisions that supposedly affect their very survival, that basically make no real sense, it pulls you of of the story.

In this case 90% of the decisions John Conner makes in this movie, he's basically asking for humans to be killed. And that's when it occurred to me, that there were just a lot of bad choices made that don't serve the story. And who do you blame for that?

In this case I feel like the director and writer should be held accountable. They are the most instrumental in telling the story and my opinion responsible for it. So what's my point here. Not much. McG is a hack and I just wanted to rag on him. But go ahead and make "Hot Wheels" the movie.
