Movies to see

Well it's the almost the end of June and by my estimates that pretty much the middle of summer. It's not official or anything it's just how I feel. Anyhow, there's been a lot of great movies so far this year and I wanted to point out a few that I'd liked.

First, it's probably no surprise that I'm a fan of Pixar's. There newest film UP is actually one of there best ever. It's hard to believe that after almost 20 years they are still topping themselves but that is the case with this newest movie. The funny thing about it (to me at least) is that it was writing and directed by the same guys who brought us Monster's Inc. I know a lot of people love that movie but I'm not one of them. In my opinion Monster's Inc., and Bug's Life rank near the bottom of Pixar's Library. But where I felt that Monster's Inc. was overly sentimental and didn't make a lot of sense (really how does Mike get back from being banished to the frozen wasteland moments after Scully returns!?) this felt a little more true to me, and in that way I could relate to it much better. Plus, it has some of the best comedy in a Pixar movie in a while.

Okay, I'll be back to talk about a few more movies soon.
